Sunday, January 12, 2014

For Your Consideration

            Similar to the Saturday “Ponder This” post, I will be posting a recent and/or favorite TED Talk on here for you to watch and think about (just click the link above to watch). Today’s by Paul Piff is about how wealth has the potential to make people mean, less generous, less altruistic, et cetera. I don’t necessarily think this is always the case, as a mindful approach to one’s wealth has the potential to do good things with those resources. However, mindfulness often falls to the wayside when it comes to wealth because people usually are not thinking critically about it (which only highlights the necessity to develop critical thinking skills and cultivate mindfulness in all realms of living).
The theory of economics is highly rational—something that the entire field assumes every human being is under any and all circumstances when making economic decisions—yet we are often irrational and overly emotional when it comes to money. Why is this? What does this say about our choice to develop a capitalistic economy? Could there be a better way forward as we move into the 21st century? Will the further globalization of the economy continue to make this problem worse? How will it affect developing nations who are now being seduced into the allure of consumption?
There are no easy answers, but I am sure it will be a topic to which we return in the future. Please leave your own thoughts and questions to share with others.

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