Friday, January 17, 2014

This Moment

            I’m looking out my back window right now. It’s a beautiful day outside here in Tampa. Whimsical wisps of clouds in the bright blue sky. The sunlight is cascading down onto the leaves of the trees in our backyard. It’s breathtaking, really. Then I start to think that those photons of light came blazing out of the sun so fast that it took them eight minutes to get here. Photosynthesis. The energy of life and the universe. All of it. And on top of that I realize that I am necessary for all of this other stuff to be here with me. That by my sentient observation of these “things” (Ah, Heidegger…again) I create my own world, perception, story, reality. It’s astounding. Awesome in the most literal sense that I can convey with these vessels of shared meaning.

            What is it in your world? Right after reading this, stop and take a look at this moment. What in this moment—beyond the technology—makes you wonder? Makes you feel grateful to be alive? Makes you want to learn and discover? What in this moment are you most passionate about?

            Please take 5 minutes away from whatever device you are reading this on. Just pay attention to this moment and think about the questions above. You may discover you don’t want to get back on here.


  1. For me, today, it was marching the MLK Parade. I was looking at all of the people just enjoying the parade. Seeing all of those people smiling and dancing made me really happy and grateful to live the life that I do. Although I don't realize it a lot, the life that I live is truly spectacular.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Casey! It sounds like you had fun at the parade. Whether or not you realize it a lot doesn't matter too much--it's that you realize it at all that matters. I'm sure there are some people who never realize this fact. But as you get older, with each passing day, you will realize it more and more, trust me.

      Enjoy the long weekend/See you in a few days!
