Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Who Are You?

            Today’s question is simple, straightforward, and nearly impossible to answer:

Who are you?

            Beyond being a great song by The Who, I think this is one of those questions that forces us to plumb the depths of our minds but really never come up with an answer that can suffice to explain us in our totality. Many of the students with whom I spoke today typically began with their names, which had me explaining that our names do not define who we are. Names are placeholders, convenient designations for us to grasp onto, but certainly don’t convey the essence of who we are. No label can do this. Sure I can say that my name is Ryan and claim to be a husband, brother, son, uncle, friend, teacher, mentor, philosopher, weirdo and a whole lot of other things in between, but none of them will ever get to the root of what it means to be me (or you).

            One of the best answers I received today mentioned how we are the sum total of our dreams, memories, and experiences. We may be closer to the truth with this idea, this notion of being an aggregate of many pieces, yet we must recognize the shifting sands upon which all of these pieces of our totality are constructed. Change is fundamental to living and growing, especially when it comes to wisdom. Are we the same person who experienced X at age 12 when we have a similar experience at age 38? Probably not (Heraclitus would offer a firm "No").

            I don’t have any other questions for you other than the one asked earlier. Who are you? To be completely candid, my answer is “I don’t know.” It’s tremendously difficult to put into words, as are all phenomena that defy linguistic limitations (a profound religious experience comes to mind—completely ineffable, inexplicable), but that doesn’t let us off the hook as philosophers. We must still contend, grapple, wrestle with this question…and all good questions.

Please leave your comments below and feel free to share with others.

            P.S. – If you’ve never taken a Briggs-Meyer Personality test and want to find out who you are (in whatever limited psychological sense these tests can convey), please click here to take one. It only takes a few minutes and is—admittedly—frighteningly accurate. If you want to know more about me and my results, click the link below:


  1. Well, apparently, I'm an extrovert. No, but seriously one of my least favorite questions that people ask me is , "what makes you-you?" Um, unless you want my whole life's story, don't ask this question. Everything that has happened in my life plays into who I am. As well as the things I hope for and the things I see around me and the people I come in contact with. These are the things that help to define me. It is certainly a thought provoking question, but not good on a first date.

    1. Allison,

      I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Been a crazy week at school. I did want to tell you, though, that you CRACK ME UP! I read your comment early in the morning right before I left for work (the main reason I couldn't reply at the time) and actually laughed out loud.

      More importantly, I think your answer is both succinct and thorough. I'm glad you liked the question. I only wish I had a way to warn the guys who might potentially ask you this on a first date.

      Have a great weekend!

  2. I scored an ENFJ. I did a little research on ENFJ's and realized I matched EVERY aspect of what makes up an ENFJ. A big factor I saw was manipulation and "getting under people's skin and getting the reaction I seek." Another key Point of an ENFJ is feeling a deep loneliness, even around many people they care about and can relate to. If anyone else on here takes the Briggs-Meyer personality test and scores ENFJ, here is a link to break it down for you! http://www.personalitypage.com/ENFJ.html

    1. Also I forgot to add, EFNJ's are "cousins" to IFNJ's. Happy to be "related" to you Mr. H...lol

    2. Anon,

      Glad you liked the personality test. I am happy to discover that we are cousins as well. I thought mine seems spot on as well. I remember being genuinely surprised when I read my results. Crazy how much human beings are alike. Both in terms of genetics and psychological constitution.

      Thanks for stopping in. Have a great weekend!

    3. Have a great one yourself Mr. H!

  3. I am an INFJ. I find it to be very accurate. I enjoy using this test as a tool to find alignment between my personality and myself. If I understand my "type" then I can make choices that lead to a "peak experience" where I can experience myself.

    1. Mrs. Sanders,

      I completely agree. Though I didn't know the type beforehand, the accuracy of the personality seemed to explain so much about my habits, convictions, career choice, et cetera. No wonder I feel so fulfilled being a teacher and were drawn to the Liberal Arts while in school. From here on out, however, I will try to make even better choices not that I have a clearer idea of who I am (to some degree).

      Thanks for commenting. Have an awesome weekend!

  4. I know I already mentioned that I'm an INFP (and I'm glad that you've found such an interest in the Myers-Briggs test!), but I don't believe I mentioned how I discovered the types in the first place; I had been browsing the blog of an artist I like, and found myself identifying with them as a person to a surprising degree -- many of their sentiments seemed uncommon, but instantly familiar, and their overall lifestyle mirrored one I would be interested in.

    Anyhow, I eventually discovered that they were interested in their INFP type and the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, and decided to give it a try; I would consider the familiarity I felt with the person to be a far stronger indicator of personality than the final test result, but I'm glad the two matched up. The precise description the artist had linked to was: http://eilenna.tumblr.com/post/15241330209/personality-junkie-infp , which I immediately found shockingly accurate despite my wariness of confirmation bias (though I would say that I entered Phase II some time ago, despite it being classified as age twenty and onward; I even remember matching the description of Phase I well as a younger child.

    I also found it interesting how extraordinarily specific some of the descriptors which fit me were; I would describe myself as lanky and prone at times to childishness, with my disposition sometimes becoming uncharacteristically (if that's even a possible descriptor) lighthearted. Unfortunately, I'm also prone to perfectionism and snapping into a rigid state under pressure -- I even have a friendship with someone who appears to be a strong ESTJ, with all of the described frustrations and benefits. I also have the penchant for seeking out strong emotion (though that's certainly a double-edged sword, to say the least) and accompanying literary -- though not necessarily verbal -- bent.

    I apologize for talking so much about myself; I'm just really fascinated by the way these types are able to, well, typify us. As for who I am, though? I still have no idea, beyond a general shape; perhaps it's better that way.
