I think
philosophy can be distilled down to two essential aspects: the question and the
answer. Together they constitute almost the entire enterprise of wrestling with
life in all of its mysterious glory.
The question is one that you know and
love and we have all been asking since around the age of 2. Why? Why this? Why that? Why is the
gift that keeps on giving. You can literally take any topic and keep digging
into it with one more why (as your parents might recall when you were 4 or 5).
Why is the sky blue? Because the atmosphere refracts the other parts of the
spectrum. Why does it refract… It can go on forever.
But that’s the point. It’s not so much the single syllable
itself as the impetus that lay behind it. It’s our ceaseless quest to discover
what knowledge we can about ourselves, the universe and all that come between
those extremes.
The answer is just as satisfying. I don’t know. Epistemology is a big
giant bag of fun that I am sure we will unpack—probably quite messily—in the
coming adventures of this blog. But I don’t
know is the perfect answer when we’re completely honest with ourselves and
only feeds into the questions.
Some might see this as a vicious cycle. I happen to think it’s
a virtuous one. A beautiful symbiosis that only helps us grow as lovers of
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