Wednesday, January 8, 2014


            I’m never really on top of popular culture. I have my face in books most of the time. The other day, though, my wife and I were watching some basketball on television when a commercial came on for the pill shaped Beats speakers. I was immediately captivated by the song because the topic was happiness. I looked up the video for the song on YouTube (it’s right below and you need to watch/listen to it if you’ve never heard the song) and I have had it stuck in my head every day since. I kid you not, this morning I had it playing on my phone while I danced around the kitchen making my peanut butter sandwich. Needless to say, I am really happy and absolutely love my life.

            Think about your level of happiness in your own life. Are you happy? What does it mean to be happy? Is it possible to cultivate happiness? If so, how does one do this? Think about these questions and/or leave your comments for others.

P.S. - How can you hear this song and not want to dance? 


  1. I'm happy, too--and happy for you, my son! xoxo Can't dance yet, though..:( Can't wait to see you this summer! Mom

    1. But you'll be dancing soon enough once they're both fixed. And hopefully you'll save a dance for me! Erin and I can't wait to see you either. Love you!

  2. Ive never thought specifically on whether or not i am "happy" or what being "happy" means to me exactly. But i think a common misconception is that being happy means having everything you want or wish to have, and i think that to be happy, it isn't imperative to have it all and want for nothing. I learned in your class that desire is a part of life and that without desire theres emptiness. But i think whether or not one is happy is all up to their own perception of their life and that being happy is up to your own decision not what is going on in your life or what you do or dont have. Even a homeless man seemingly with nothing can be happy if he wants.
